
Licensing Fees

The annual fee of $500 includes hosting of database, hosting of Soccer Registrar generated web site, and data backups.

There is a one-time configuration fee of $100.

On-line Merchant Fees

We currently support PayPal, Beanstream and Moneris for on-line payment processing of registration fees. There is no commission charged by AKTIV Software Corporation for the processing of on-line payments.

If you are affiliated with British Columbia Soccer Association you may be eligible for discounted merchant fees. Please contact us for more details.

Support Fees

The level of ongoing support required from AKTIV Software is dependent on the comfort level available within your organization for working with a computer based registration system. For example some organizations are comfortable creating their own leagues, whereas others rely on us to create their leagues for them. Support may also be required for other aspects such as integrating web components with existing web sites. If ongoing support is required, it will be billed at $75/hr.

If you have unique requirements not handled by Soccer Registrar and wish to have the software changed to meet your needs, a fixed price quote for the work will be provided. If you decide to proceed with the work, the new functionality will become part of Soccer Registrar with copyright going to AKTIV Software Corporation.


Functionality and prices are subject to change without notice.
