Online Access

Soccer Registrar is a web-based application that you access using the Internet. All information entered into the system, be it online registration, field status, game scheduling, etc. becomes available to others immediately after being entered.

The online process is quicker and more accurate than filling out forms and having someone else enter the information into a computer. In addition, the information is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week from anywhere on the Internet. The reduced data entry and ability to work when and where is convenient is a major benefit for a volunteer-based organization.

Access to the data is controlled through a login process which gives individual users access to only the data they are authorized to access. The data is stored in a secure environment and backed up off-site every day to ensure minimal loss of data should a failure of any kind occur. The SoccerRegistrar servers are in Canada, hosted by a Canadian company providing you the protection of Canadian privacy laws.

In addition to cost reduction and administrative relief when using an online management system like Soccer Registrar, benefits can also be seen through improved communication, increased productivity, elimination of dedicated data entry, reduction of errors, better delegation of duties, and more.
